St. Patrick’s N.S. is a co-educational Catholic primary school, serving the people in the parish of Murhaun under the patronage of the Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise. The school has a commitment to diversity and inclusivity, while, at the same time, protecting the integrity and Catholic ethos of the school.
Our school caters for the full range of classes from Junior Infants to Sixth as well as two Autism Spectrum Disorder Classes (ASD).
Currently there are 15 full-time teachers on the staff, comprising of an administrative principal, 9 mainstream teachers, 2 Autism Class teachers and 3 Special Education Teachers (SETs). There are 8 SNAs working in the school.
St. Patrick’s National School depends on the grants and teacher resources provided by the Department of Education and Science and operate within the regulations laid down, from time to time by the Department. Our school policies have regard for the resources and funding available. No fees or contributions will be sought or charged as a condition of application for admission to the school or of continued enrolment in the school following admission.
The school follows the curricular programme prescribed by the Department of Education and Science, which may be amended from time to time, in accordance with Section 9 and 30 of the Education Act 1998.
Within the context and parameters of Department regulations and programmes, the rights of the Patron as set out in the Education Act and the funding and resources available, the school supports the principles of:
Inclusiveness: particularly with reference to the enrolment of children with a disability or other special educational need.
Equality of access and participation in the school.
Parental choice in relation to enrolment.
Respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions, languages and ways of life in society.