Christmas festivities

5th class had a fantastic day at the panto Cinderella in the Gaiety Theatre. It was a really enjoyable day for everyone! 5A and 5B have also been working on our Christmas doors for the annual Christmas door competition. . 

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Science workshop

To mark science week 5th class had a science workshop with Ingrid. The workshop focused on sustainable development and caring for the planet. It was an enjoyable workshop for all.

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Trip to Arigna Mines

As part of our local studies for the month of November, 5th class have been looking at mining in the local area. Maurice Cullen came to talk to us on Thursday the 9th of November about his time spent working […]

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Table tennis and Badminton

5A and 5B are currently working on table tennis and badminton in P.E. John Casey and Teresa Cullen are coming in to teach the children badminton for the next 6 weeks, which everyone is looking forward to.

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Maths week

This week it was maths week in school. On Tuesday, the children in 5A and 5B done a maths quiz on zoom with other schools across the country. The children had great fun completing this quiz together. The children also […]

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Trip to Drumshanbo Community Garden

Last week was Sustainable Development week. 5A and 5B went to the Drumshanbo Community Garden on Friday the 13th of October. Wayne the horticulturalist brought them around the garden and explained how they are promoting Sunstainable Development through their work […]

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