Preparing for Christmas & The Christmas Market

All over the school, we are busily preparing for Christmas. Junior Infants, Senior Infants, Second Class and Sixth Class are rehearsing their plays. We can’t wait to see them. The school choir is getting ready for the Carol Service and for Christmas Day so there’s lots of singing going on. Ms. Reynolds’ class made a lovely Advent Tree – you can see it at the top of the hall. Ms Durkin put up the Crib and the Christmas so the hall looks lovely. We like the penguins on Ms. Keegan’s door which also make the hall look festive.

The Parents’ Association is organising a Christmas Market in the Mayflower on Sunday, December 11th. It will begin around 12:30 on the day. The committee is working really hard to make sure that everyone who visits will have a great time. There will be stalls and games with plenty of hot chocolate to keep the winter away. Please support the market as all the proceeds will be used to pay for activities in the school.

For more information about events taking place in the school during December, please check out our most recent newsletter on the School Letters and Forms page of the website.