Child Protection

I would like to make you aware that

– The annual review of the school Child Safeguarding Statement has taken place and was ratified by the Board of Management on September 28th.

– The annual review of the Child Protection related risk assessment has taken place and was ratified by the BOM on September 28th.

– The school Child Protection Policy was also reviewed this year and was ratified by the Board on September 28th.

– The Anti-Bullying Policy was reviewed and updated and ratified by the Board on September 28th  – this is also an annual review.

All of the policies are available to view on the school website. The Child Protection Statement, Policies and Risk Assessment are also displayed on our Child Protection board here in the hall of the school.
Finally, you should be aware that Máirín O’Keeffe is the Designated Liaison Person in the school and Ruth McLoughlin is the Deputy Designated Liaison Person. In the event that there are any child protection issues relating to the school, we are the people to talk to.