40th Anniversary 12th November

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Christmas is coming at St. Patrick’s National School. The school is filled with the sounds of Christmas carols and songs as we prepare to take part in the annual parish carol service on Sunday, December 14th. Donations to the Northwest Hospice can be made on the night.

Junior infants, Senior Infants and Sixth Class are busily rehearsing their plays – check out our events page for times and dates. There are some photographs of the rehearsals on the class pages.

Lovely to see so many friends at our open day in the school.

Two great friends of St. Patrick's NS

Check out the powerpoint on the EVENTS page. It has lots more pictures from our anniversary celebrations.

If you have any suggestions/articles for our school blog, we would be delighted to hear from you.

The staff of St. Patrick’s NS, Drumshanbo.