Hello again, everyone.
Today, of course, is April Fools’ Day. I hope some of the children remember the joke we played in the school last year? I’m almost relieved to be at home today in case some of you were plotting revenge!
All class teachers will be sending emails to you today and, from now on, any queries related to school work should be addressed to the teacher via email. The teachers will respond every Wednesday. Any other queries, can, as always, be directed to the school email and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.
You can follow this link to read the letter I’m sending home with teachers’ emails today:
April 1 Post Easter arrangements
If you go back over the posts from the last few weeks, you’ll see lots of suggestions for useful websites to supplement what the teachers are sending out.
You really should check out the post from March 27 to see the ideas that the SETS (Special Education Teachers) have suggested to support Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing.
Here is a summary of some of my suggestions so far:
- www.twinkl.ie
- www.gonoodle.com
- www.duolingo.com – Irish
- Seomra ranga
- https://johnboyne.com/short-story-competition/
- folensonline
- my.cjfallon.ie
- newsmagmedia.ie ( Newsflash and Primary Planet)
- www.ncse.ie
- www.dublinzoo.ie/animals/animal-webcams/
- No barriers at home
- https://afirm.fpg.unc.edu/supporting-individuals-autism-through-uncertain-times
Here are some final suggestions for now:
If you haven’t already checked out Scoilnet, you really should. It is a one-stop resource for schools in Ireland. It has a huge amount of resources for all subjects on the curriculum, at every level. It has access to newspaper archives. It has access to World book (and there is a version of World book for different ages and stages) which is, in itself, a fabulous resource. If you only had access to one website to support learning, at this time, Scoilnet is the one I’d recommend.
And for those of you interested in art or who would like to take this opportunity to learn to draw here are two suggestions that you might enjoy:
- www.carlasonheim/com (watch out to only use the free parts)
– as well as art lessons and activities, there is a Creative Care Package that you might enjoy.
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo4dO9D4okn25M6mvfB02rQ
– Don Conroy has launched a YouTube channel to teach you how to draw)
And finally
It’s very sad to see our school closed down and our new build halted but we still have to be able to laugh so…..

……happy April Fool’s Day!