Good evening everyone:
Here is the email that I sent to you earlier today:
In the email I mentioned that I would recommend a few more websites for you to check out, so here goes.
I know that Irish presents problems in lots of houses. I already suggested that the children use Duolingo, so that everyone can work at a level that is comfortable for them. But another way to learn is Irish is using games and videos. With this in mind, check out
Enda Lyons is the Games Development Administrator of Leitrim GAA. He has often been in our school providing training for the children. Yesterday he sent me this link:
It’s a great resource with all kinds of games, puzzles and physical challenges on it. I know that some of the teachers may be using it in their weekly plans. I think there is something for everyone to enjoy on the site.
And, finally, last year we had school visit from Paul, a member of the Dog’s Trust. He brought his dog, Magic, with him. Yesterday I got this email from him:
Dear Principal,
I hope this finds you well. I know the past few weeks have been challenging for your school and your students. The Dogs Trust Education team really miss delivering our workshops and we look forward to when things go back to normal. The reason we are emailing you, is because we are hosting a short story competition, and we thought perhaps your students might be interested in talking part.
The details of the competition can be found on our website
We are taking entries up until May 1st, and all entries can be sent to
We hope some of your students might take part as we’re sure there is a huge interest in dogs in your school.
You also might be interested to know that we have multiple free downloadable resources on our website that are all curriculum linked, and cater to all levels of primary school
Kind regards, Paul Cleary
Maybe this is something that the dog lovers in your families might be interested in. Enjoy!